
What are the roles and responsibilities of a Trustee?

  • Set and maintain vision, mission and values
  • Develop strategy
  • Establish and monitor policies
  • Ensure compliance with governing document and law
  • Ensure accountability

What skills or qualifications do I need?

Some individual trustees will have specific professional or business skills and at this present time we are looking for those with Teaching, Legal and HR knowledge.  Others will bring life skills.

What is expected of an SAA Trustee?

  • Attend full committee meeting once every six weeks.
  • Sit on a minimum of 1 sub-committee which meet as required in between full committee meetings. (Date and time arranged with sub-committee members.)
  • Support staff
  • Communicate via email in between meetings.

What are my legal responsibilities?

Being a Trustee carries legal and financial responsibilities which should be understood before taking up a position.

Why should I be a Trustee?

Being a Trustee:

Means you take more of an involvement in running the charity.

Can help you meet new people, change your community for the better, learn new skills or use your existing skills in a new context.

Being a trustee can expose you to new experiences and new groups of people.  It can present you with new challenges, constructive and exciting ones as well as some more difficult things to overcome.

Who can be a Trustee

You must be:

  • over 18
  • Not disqualified as a company director
  • Not have been convicted of an offence involving dishonesty or deception
  • Be a member. (if not already a member, this can be resolved)

More information on the role of a Trustee can be found at:

If you would like to stand or still have questions, please contact for more details.