Renovation Update
Here are some long awaited pics of where we are up to…
The storage stables have been demolished and we are hoping to make the space into a dog field (near the front) and then look at making additional green eco space where the stables were…
To the right of the new dog field, we are hoping to fundraise for a small cafe which will enable our usual visitors and users of the canal and towpath to pop in for a drink or meal
The arena is having major work done to make it usable for events, training and storage…
The bungalow will be our operations hub and will be configured in a way which is usable for staff, volunteers and trustees, as well as being accessible to visitors to the Sanctuary
However, none of the work would have been possible without all the support we have had so far and for which we are really grateful. If you would like to help any of the projects, Just Giving pages have been set up for them and we would be super grateful for any further support to these projects which we believe will ensure the long term success of SAA.
Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support! More updates soon!
General Rebuild project
Dog Field appeal