In previous years we have been able to offer vaccinations for rabbits, however we were not able to do that for this event, so we anticipated a lower attendance than we have in the past. First and foremost Rabbit Care Day is about rabbit welfare and by offering free rabbit health checks we hope to spot problems early on to prevent them from becoming much bigger and more costly problems at a later date.
The rabbits we saw this year were rabbits we hadn’t seen before and we were able to offer advice on vaccinations, neutering and in particular diet. If a rabbit has a dirty bottom it is usually down to an imbalance between hay and pellets (or whatever food the rabbit is fed on). A few of the rabbits will need to go to the vets at some point to get things like matts sorted out but thankfully there was only one rabbit who needed to make an urgent visit to the vets.
We made £200 which is a lot lower than previous years but this event never has been about raising funds for the sanctuary so ten pounds would have been a bonus. We did what we set out to achieve which is to offer advice, help and support where necessary. It might have helped if the rain hadn’t made an appearance contrary to forecasts but we are in Manchester after all!