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Sergio and Tigger ♀♀

What's my story?

These two girls came to us after their owner sadly passed away. And yes, despite the names, they’re both ladies, we’ve kept the original ones that they arrived with!

Both of them are around 6 years old and are as alike as chalk and cheese. Tigger is a playful tortie, she’s got a favourite little ball that and will happily bat it towards you as long as you promise to bat it back! Tigger loves cuddles and strokes and does not care who they come from as long as she is getting attention!

Her sister Sergio is a bit more reserved, she’s a black, semi-long haired little girl who likes to sit in her fluffy bed and survey her kingdom. She makes us laugh by staring judgmentally at Tigger and anyone who enters her pen. She likes a bit of fuss on her own terms and has been known to come curl up on the lap of her favourite volunteer for snuggles. At heart she is a gentle girl, but does occasionally show her spicy side if you don’t respect her personal space. For this reason she’d need to go to a household who’s confident with cats and won’t be put off by her occasional hissy-fit.

They will both need safe access to the outside away from busy roads once they have settled into their new home.

If you are interested in adopting Sergio and Tigger please fill out an adoption interest form

Please note all viewings are appointment only and adoptions are subject to home checks.

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Ways you can help

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