Our cats future

cat future

Join us in reaching our goal.  We have amazing plans to build a whole new cat rehoming centre, cat isolation unit and a quarantine unit.  We can only do this with the help from you; our great supporters!

Currently we have raised just over £73 000 and our target was £80 000 so we are not far off that goal.  We do however need a further £27 000 for the cat pens.

We have only a few months left to make this happen so please, please, please, we need your help!

Buy a Brick has launched and get your name out there and displayed, share it with friends and family and help us raise as much as we can.

Have a look at the Cats website and find out all about the plans we have and also how you can help.  There are videos, pictures, the start of the designs, how you can help and much more.


Thank you in advance from all of us here and from our cats too.